Thursday, July 12, 2012

Squeaky Hinges

I love to read!  I read all sorts of things.  I am a member of 2 different book clubs.

Last year in July, I read the same book for both book clubs.
We read The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  

I loved the book and I was able to see the movie with one of my book clubs too!
I thought it was done very well.

I love that you can read fictional books and learn helpful things.  At one point in the book it lists a variety of uses for Crisco, one of which was to grease squeaky door hinges. 

Minny says,  “I reckon’ if there’s anythin’ that you ought to know about cookin’ it’s this (pointing to Crisco). The most important invention since they put mayonnaise in a jar. Got gum in your hair, got a squeaky door hinge, Crisco. Got bags under your eyes, wanna soften your husband’s scaly feet, Crisco. But it’s best for frying chicken.

 I filed this away in the back of my mind hoping to try it out some day.  

A couple of years ago, I used graphite to try to get rid of the squeak in our garage door hinges (the small door to the house) and our front door hinges.  This is what you are supposed to use.  It only worked for a couple of days and it made a big mess!

A few days ago, I decided to try this Crisco tip on our garage door.  I used generic Crisco, because that's what I had.  My son, Ryan, helped me to get some of the pins out.  The bottom pin was especially difficult to remove.  It was really stuck in there.  We had to remove the entire hinge from the door and the jamb to get enough room to pound the pin out.  It took way longer than I expected it to take, but we got it out, greased it up and put it back.

Now the hinges in the garage door are like a dream!  No obnoxious squeaking any more!

Today, we did the same thing on the front door.  Luckily, this time was a lot easier!  It only took about 5 minutes to get the tools and supplies ready and finish the project.

Another door that is now like a dream!

Now when I open these doors, I open it, close my eyes and say ahhhhhh!!!

I used to cringe almost every time I opened either one of these doors before.

So far, the garage door is still squeak-free.

Who says you can't get anything out of reading fiction?

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