Monday, April 2, 2012

April Fools' Day

My boys, Ryan (19) and Nathan (15), started talking about April Fools' Day the day before, on March 31st.  I was a little worried, but not too bad. They haven't really done anything bad in the past.

I was asleep in my bed in the middle of the night.  Cory was sleeping in the guest room because of my snoring and cough. Nathan came in, I assumed to say goodnight.  He put his hand on me and I just wanted to sleep, so I brushed his hand away.  I didn't want to upset him, so I patted him.  That's when I felt the fur!  I opened my eyes and there was Bobo!  In case you don't know who Bobo is, here is a picture.

The funny thing is, I wasn't scared.  I guess I'm too used to Bobo being around, even in the middle of the night.

Then when that didn't work, Ryan jumped up and tried to scare me.  That didn't work either.

Then they went to bed and I went back to sleep.

When I got up in the morning and went downstairs, every cabinet door and drawer was open in the kitchen and family room!

Every Single One!!

I didn't get a picture of Ryan, but here is a picture of Nathan innocently sleeping after the pranking.

After that, I went to make my breakfast....

I thought about taking a picture of the milk, but it was so gross!!  They used every color of food coloring I have!  I know it's just a mental thing, but I couldn't drink it.  I opened a new gallon for my breakfast.  They both drank the colored milk.

I was worried about what might be in store, but apparently that was as far as they had planned.  The rest of April Fools' Day was calm. They know that I am the one that feeds them every day and I know where they sleep!

Happy April Fools' Day!!

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